
2014 Komori GL840P H-UV

28 x 40 inch eight-color format 4/4 or 8/0 convertible perfector Factory elevation kit H-UV – lamps after PU#4 and PU#8 PQC console for ink and register PDC-SX for closed-loop scanning KID – Komori Information Display A-APC – Asynchronous Automatic Plate Changing Ink de-clutching on […]

2004 Komori LS640+CX

28 x 40 inch six-color format Dedicated tower coater with extended delivery Anilox coating system with chambered doctor blade PQC console for ink and register PDC-S for closed-loop scanning Komorimatic continuous dampening F-APC – Fully-automatic plate changing KMS-IV – Komori Monitoring System KHS – Komori […]

2011 Komori GL640+CX H-UV

Here is another beautiful used Komori GL640 with coater available with Trinity Printing Machinery in the USA. The machine is in very nice condition and is under power now. It features the ’45-series’ automation package with fully-automatic plate changing, PDC-SX for closed-loop sheet scanning, skeleton […]

2007 Heidelberg SM102-6P+L PresetPlus

This is a rare find, indeed. This used Heidelberg SM102-6P+L six-color coater is located in the USA and is in excellent condition. It features PresetPlus feeder, AxisControl, all automatic washers and ONLY 50 million original impressions. This will be a great step-up machine for a […]

2003 Mitsubishi D3000R-6+CX

28 x 40 inch six-color format Dedicated tower coater 2/4 or 6/0 convertible perfector Comrac console for ink and register S-APC – Semi-automatic plate changing Mitsubishi continuous dampening with Delta-effect Paper presets Automatic roller wash Automatic blanket wash Royse solution R&R Jac De Vries IR […]

2018 Heidelberg XL106-4+LX UV/IR Hybrid

Here is a VERY rare used straight four-color Heidelberg XL106 with tower coater and UV available for sale in the USA with Trinity Printing Machinery. This is a true Hybrid press with both UV and IR curing systems for the ultimate in flexibility for packaging […]

2015 Komori GL540+CX H-UV Hybrid

28 x 40 five-color format Dedicated tower coater with extended delivery Anilox coating system with chambered doctor blade H-UV curing in delivery PQC console for ink and register PDC-SX for closed-loop scanning – density and spectral F-APC – Fully-automatic plate changing KHS-AI – Komori HyperSpeed […]

2009 Komori LS529+CX

Here is another five color half-size coater Komori press available with Trinity Printing Machinery. This used Komori LS529+CX press has all the right features and is in very nice condition. Less than 100mm impressions, closed-loop scanning, Anilox coater, CIP3 for ink presets, de-clutching and more. […]

2006 Komori LS1040P+CCX Double Coater w/UV

This is one of the most versatile, flexible B1 printing presses on the planet. This Komori LS ten-color coater is configured with two Anilox coating systems – one after print unit 5 and one after print unit 10. The press has a possible total of […]

2005 Mitsubishi D3000-4-R-TC-LS

Here is another great printing press we have for sale at Trinity Printing Machinery, USA. This 2005 Mitsubishi D300o four-color coater press is from a very nice commercial plant the the United States. The press has very nice automation features with S-APC, closed-loop scanning, CIP3 […]

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