- 28 x 40 inch five-color format
- Dedicated tower coater
- 1/4, 2/3 or 5/0 convertible perfector
- Nonstop delivery with Rake
- AirStar Pro
- CPC1-04 Ink and register remote control with Jobcard
- CP-Tronic self diagnostic, control and monitor console
- Autoplate (semi-automatic plate loader)
- Automatic roller wash
- Automatic blanket wash
- Automatic impression cylinder wash
- Sheet decurler
- High pile delivery
- Alcolor Vario dampening
- Technotrans cooling + circulation unit
- Register system
- Preset Stream feeder
- High pile feeder
- Electronic pull lay control
- Electronic double sheet control
- Grafix Exactronic powder sprayer
- Eletex antistatic eliminator
- Approximately 195mm impressions