Here is a very clean Heidelberg long perfector we have for sale. This 2008 Speedmaster SM102-8P has both Preset Plus feeder and delivery as well as non-stop options, ImageControl, Wallscreen and much more. All water-cooled peripherals. The machine has been kept in VERY nice condition and is under power for your print test and inspection now. Call or email us for more info.
- 28 x 40 inch eight-color format
- 4/4 or 8/0 convertible perfector
- PrintCenter console
- Wallscreen
- Preset Plus feeder
- Preset Plus delivery
- Autoplate
- Alcolor dampeners
- Automatic roller wash
- Automatic blanket wash
- Automatic impression cylinder wash
- InkLine 3000 cartridge inking system
- Non-stop options
- CombiStar for ink temperature control and solution R&R
- Water-cooled peripherals
- WashStar
- CleanStar
- PowderStar
- Under power per the photos
- Approximately 188mm impressions
- Very nice condition