From Trinity Printing Machinery comes this 23 million impression 2016 RMGT Ryobi 928P with LED UV. Featuring Smart FPC plate changing, convertible perfector, roller & blanket wash and much more! Call or email for more information!!
- 25 x 36 inch eight-color format
- 4/4 perfector
- Smart FPC- Simultaneous plate changing
- Paper size presets
- Impression pressure preset
- Control desk with 55″ Wallscreen monitor
- PDS-E SpectroDrive
- Program inking
- Ryobimatic-D
- Ink temperature control
- Automatic roller wash
- Automatic blanket wash
- Automatic feeder pile board alignment
- Technotrans InkLines
- Oscillating ink form rollers for UV
- RMGT High-Speed Feeder
- LED UV above Perfector
- LED UV end of press
- Non-stop delivery
- Approximately 23mm impressions