- 28 x 40 inch eight-color format
- 4/4 or 8/0 convertible perfector
- Factory 12″ raise kit w/bandstand-height catwalks
- H-UV curing with lamps after unit 4 and in delivery
- 1 X H-UV Lamp after before the perfector
- 1 x H-UV Lamp at the End of Press
- Mabeg sheeter
- PQC console for ink and register
- PDC –SX for closed-loop scanning – density and spectral
- PQA-S In-line quality control camera system at #4 and delivery
- KHS-AI – Komori HyperSpeed inking with Artificial Intelligence – CIP3/4 and self-learing
- KMS-IV – Komori Monitoring System
- AMR for paper size, thickness and air presets
- KID-display – wallscreen display at console
- F-APC – Fully-automatic plate changing
- High Speed Startup
- Ultrasonic double sheet control
- Automatic roller wash
- Automatic blanket wash – Baldwin Impact
- Automatic impression cylinder wash
- Komorimatic dampening – With Delta-effect
- Technotrans beta.C for ink temperature control and solution R&R
- Baldwin Combiliner
- Factory rated at 15000/SPH
- Approximately 159mm impressions