
2004 Mitsubishi D3000S-4+TC-ED

Here is an exceptionally rare used Mitsubishi press. This Diamond D3000S-4+TC is in production now just as you see in the photos. The machine is remarkable as it is one of the few four-color presses build by Mitsubishi that does not have a perfector. Very desirable configuration outside the USA for sure.  In full production now and available for print test and inspection right away. Call or email us for more information.

  • 28 x 40 inch four-color format
  • Straight press – no perfector
  • Dedicated tower coater
  • Comrac console
  • Mitsubishi continuous dampening
  • Paper presets
  • Plate cocking from console
  • Automatic roller wash
  • Automatic blanket wash
  • QuickPlate positioning
  • IR dryer with hot air knives
  • Powder spray
  • In production now and available for print test and inspection
  • Approximately 175mm impressions


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