- Sheet-size: 720 x 1030 mm
- Year of Manufacture 2005
- Impressions: 150 mill.
- Available: February
Specification including:
- ’45 series’ automation package
- 28 x 40 inch eight-color format
- 4/4 or 8/0 convertible perfector
- Dedicated tower coater
- Anilox coating system with chambered doctor blade
- PQC console
- PDC-SII for closed loop scanning
- Komorimatic continuous dampening – with Delta-effect
- AMR for paper presets
- Automatic roller wash
- Automatic blanket wash
- Automatic impression cylinder wash
- IR dryer with hot air knives
- Factory raise kit with bandstand-height catwalks
- Ink temperature control
- Solution R&R
- Powder spray