2008 Ryobi 755P-CX XLW
***All automation options- Full APC and more!*** With 69 million impressions, this five color Ryobi is a great find! This 6-up press features a dedicated tower coater with extended delivery, 2/3 convertible perfector, all automatic washers and more! Call or email for information today!!!
23 x 29 inch five-color format 6-up Dedicated tower coater with extended delivery Anilox coating system with chambered doctor blade 2/3 or 5/0 convertible perfector – push-button change-over PCS-G console for ink and register PDS-E for closed-loop scanning CIP3 for ink key profiles Ryobimatic-D dampeners – with Delta-effect F-APC – Fully automatic plate changing Paper presets Automatic blanket wash Automatic roller wash Automatic impression cylinder wash Ink temperature control Grafix IR dryer with hot air knives Powder spray Approximately 69mm impressions […]